суббота, 19 октября 2013 г.

Play dolphin olimpics 2

Dolphin Olympics 2 is a follow-up or a continuation of dolphin Olympics 1. The targets, rules and regulations' of dolphin Olympics 2 are much similar to those of its predecessor. In dolphin Olympics 2, the player plays the role of a dolphin per se. The aim of the game is to win as many points as possible by performing theatrics such as jumping, flipping, and rotating the dolphin using the cursor keys. 

The game is played within a span of two minutes and the number of total points garnered is recorded. Tricks that are harder to perform earn more points than the easier ones. Putting together a series of tricks earns the player even more points.

One of the major differences between the two games however is that in dolphin Olympics 2, you can jump out of a tail side leading the fish out of water and earning extra points as a result. The other difference is that in the second version of dolphin, one can be able to swim through the rings as well. The secret in winning as many points as possible in this game is by trying as many tricks as possible.

Jumping cleanly and landing cleanly when coming out of a flip or jump also contributes to the total points that a player garners at the end of the game. This is achieved by pointing the nose of the dolphin straight (when landing) so that he hits the water with minimal force and therefore avoids eliciting a large water splash. 

Landing the jumps nose first earns the 'Nice entry' bonus points that are attributed to the so called clean landing. A good entry also leads to accumulation of points within one combo. In this game, the points that one receives for a combo are determined by the product of the cumulative point value of all the tricks and a multiplier that increases with the number of tricks completed. 

The final score is thus a sum of all the combos. Its important not to delay under the water, the player should either be entering or exiting at all times. There is no benefit in spending extra time submerged since it doesn't earn one any points.

Dolphin Olympics 2 is fun for casual players who prefer the quick swim as well as the hard core players whose aim is to shoot as high as possible and earn the biggest scores possible. Players with facebook accounts can get the dolphin Olympics 2 application which keeps track of one's high scores.

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